Delete a Preset

DELETE /presets/ID
Deletes the specified Preset item.

Authorization Header

  • Bearer token: OAuth 2.0 API access token.


  • format: json or xml. This will override the Request Accept header.
  • human: true or false. If 'true', it causes the response to be in a structured, more human-readable form. This is useful when calling the API through curl or from a browser.


HTTP 200 - OK


DELETE /presets/ID
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer um9VmyJKTPGFqpkL_THjGE5rkXqfURDYqQ8MTBVidG3PtwkfABIdx6s_z9WlFl4_j" ""
  "result": {
    "status": "SUCCESS"


  • No labels