Download File from Internal Store
GET /files/downloads
Allows querying absolute, downloadable URLs of files created by a successfully finished conversion Job or uploaded earlier via call to /files/uploads.
Authorization Header (optional)
- Bearer token: OAuth 2.0 API access token. If not provided, HMAC signing must be performed.
- format : json or xml. This will override the Request Accept header.
- human : true or false. Causes the response to be in a structured, more human-readable form. Useful when calling the API through curl or a browser.
- object_key: Object key (relative path) of the file on the store (e.g.: output_upload_directive).
- pipeline_id: The ID of the pipeline relative to which the given object key applies (e.g.: for a file created by a conversion Job, object_key is the prefix+output_name of the output file and pipeline ID would be set to the pipeline ID used in the Job).
- file_id: ID specifying a file/archive in the Files resource. In case this is an archive, it will respond with a list of urls for each item in the archive.
- autograph_tag: A unique tag to be embedded dynamically with the download that makes it traceable via Xvid AutoGraph watermarking technology (If the file you want to download does not have the "autograph: true" property, then do not set the "autograph_tag" parameter!)
- redirect: true or false (default: false). If set to true, will not respond with the URL coded as a json but instead answer with a HTTP 302 redirect and return the URL as the redirect url.
- expiry_time: Desired expiry time (as seconds since epoch) to attach to the returned/redirected download link, if applicable. Note that the time, like all the timestamps used with our API, must be given as UTC time (if your server is configured to a different timezone, make sure you obtain UTC time and not local time).
- anti_fraud: Enable a set of features to prevent link sharing, to block users behind anonymizing proxies and to block black-listed IPs of well-known pirates from downloading the file (use with care!).
- streaming: true or false. Set this if you want the video to stream in a new browser tab once the link is clicked (instead of triggering a file download). Default is false. Note: You don't need to enable this option to stream the video URL in a video player. This will always work, no matter whether you set this to true or false.
- ip: Allow only clients with the specified IP address to use the link and download the file. The IP must be specified as a 32-bit integer (example: -> (192 << 24) | (168 << 16) | (2 << 8) | 1 = 3232236033)
Returns a time-limited, cryptographically-signed download URL by which the requested file can be downloaded.
GET -H "Authorization: Bearer um9VmyJKTPGFqpkL_THjGE5rkXqfURDYqQ8MTBVidG3PtwkfABIdx6s_z9WlFl4_j" /files/downloads/?file_id=54820cec18bac397e161aebc
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