List all the Files
GET /files/
Authorization Header
- Bearer token: OAuth 2.0 API access token.
- start: The first record from the result to return in the response. "0" means start with the first record. Default value: "0".
- limit: Max number of records to return. "0" means no limit. Default value: "0".
- sort: The key by which to sort the result, e.g. "sort=created_at" to sort by creation date.
- direction: Sorts records in ascending ("1") or descending ("-1") order. Default value: "1".
- format: json or xml. This will override the Request Accept header.
- human: true or false. If set to true, the response will be in a structured, more human-readable form useful mainly when calling the API through curl or a browser.
- bin_data: true or false. If set to true, the response will include also binary data (like the input file thumbnail) as data-uri. Default value: false.
- type: Comma-separated list of type strings (file,folder,archive). Lists only files that match the given type.
- Return only files belonging to a given pipeline id.
- Return only files belonging to a given job id.
- expand_all: true or false. Recursively look up referenced objects (e.g. job id) and embed the respective json as a nested object directly into the response.
- expand: Comma separated referenced objects (e.g. job,pipeline). Look up specified ids and embed the respective json as a nested object directly into the response.
GET /files/ID
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer um9VmyJKTPGFqpkL_THjGE5rkXqfURDYqQ8MTBVidG3PtwkfABIdx6s_z9WlFl4_j" "" { files: [{ storage: "intern", title: "thumbnails_movie_311kb_mp4", name: "", type: "file", subtype: "zip", job: { id: "552cb87314eac006d4a52e88", href: "" }, autograph: null, container: null, mime_type: "application/zip", size: 205038, size_on_disk: 205038, application: { id: "552cae3514ea10cb4d3ac69e", href: "" }, duration: null, pipeline: { id: "552b87a814eab3a29d1b3d90", href: "" }, finished_at: 1428994212268, expires_at: 1429598963859, elements: null, video_tracks: null, audio_tracks: null, subtitle_tracks: null, description: null, parents: [{ id: "552cb8735ab4d77dc06f990c", type: "folder", is_root: false }], user_data: null, uri: "", version: 1, user: { id: "552b874d14eab3a29d1b3d8d", href: "" }, created_at: 1428994163859, updated_at: 1428994212268, id: "552cb8735ab4d77dc06f990d", href: "" }, { storage: "intern", title: "movie_311kb", name: "movie_311kb.mp4", type: "file", subtype: "video", job: { id: "552cb87314eac006d4a52e88", href: "" }, autograph: null, container: "ISO MP4/M4A", mime_type: "video/quicktime, variant=(string)iso", size: 331161, size_on_disk: 331161, application: { id: "552cae3514ea10cb4d3ac69e", href: "" }, duration: 12631, pipeline: { id: "552b87a814eab3a29d1b3d90", href: "" }, finished_at: 1428994212254, expires_at: null, elements: null, video_tracks: [{ video_codec: "H.264 / AVC", video_bitrate: 131, width: 320, height: 240, framerate: 30, aspect_ratio: "1:1", video_duration: 12631 }], audio_tracks: [{ audio_codec: "MPEG-4 AAC", audio_bitrate: 82, audio_width: 16, samplingrate: 44100, nb_channels: 2, audio_duration: 12631 }], subtitle_tracks: null, description: null, parents: [{ id: "552cb8735ab4d77dc06f990c", type: "folder", is_root: false }], user_data: null, uri: "", version: 1, user: { id: "552b874d14eab3a29d1b3d8d", href: "" }, created_at: 1428994163922, updated_at: 1428994212254, id: "552cb8735ab4d77dc06f9910", href: "" }], total: 216, start: 1, limit: 2, first: { href: "" }, last: { href: "" }, next: { href: "" }, prev: { href: "" } }
Content Tools