Update your User account
PUT /users/ID
Authorization Header
- Bearer token: OAuth 2.0 API access token.
- format: json or xml. This will override the Request Accept header.
- human: true or false. If set to "true", the response will be in a structured, more human-readable form. This is useful when calling the API through curl or a browser.
- show_null: true or false. If set to "true", the response will contain also keys that are not set to a value.
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer um9VmyJKTPGFqpkL_THjGE5rkXqfURDYqQ8MTBVidG3PtwkfABIdx6s_z9WlFl4_j" -H "application/json" -d '{ \ "user": { \ "first_name": "John", \ "last_name": "Doe", \ "email": "jdoe@acme.com", \ "name": "johnny22", \ "address": { \ "street": "Franklin Ave 100", \ "city": "Chicago", \ "state": "Illinois", \ "country": "USA", \ "zip_code": 14944 \ }, \ "profile": { \ "website": "http://www.acme.com", \ "short_bio": "Blabla", \ "avatarURL": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4589972CB656F09FD314B5ECF865402E", \ "profileURL": "http://www.gravatar.com/4589972CB656F09FD314B5ECF865402E" \ }, \ "setting": { \ "location": "Chicago", \ "language": "en", \ "time_zone": "America/Chicago", \ "show_location_flag": false, \ "newsletter_flag": true \ }, \ } \ }' \ https://api.xvid.com/v1/users/5470c6b5e4b09edbcfd16235?human=true
Valid Field
first_name (optional): Your first name (real name).
last_name (optional): Your last name (real name).
name (optional): Your screen name or username.
email (optional): Your email address.
address:street (optional): Your postal address.
address:city (optional): Your postal address.
address:state (optional): Your postal address.
address:country (optional): Your postal address.
address:zip_code (optional, integer): Your postal address
profile:website (optional): Your website address if you have one.
profile:short_bio(optional): A few words about yourself.
profile:avatarURL (optional): URL to an avatar image (currently: Gravatar service).
profile:profileURL (optional): URL to a public profile page shown about you (currently: Gravatar service).
settings:location (optional): Your location.
settings:show_location_flag (optional): If set, your current location may be shown on your public profile.
settings:newsletter_flag (optional): If enabled, you'll receive the Xvid newsletter.
settings:language (optional): ISO 639-1 standard are being used. Currently supported values are 'en' and 'de'
settings:time_zone (optional): Supported values are all valid IANA timezone strings
Note: All fields are optional. Fields that are not included in the PUT request will not be updated. If you want to delete/reset a field, set it to "null" specifically.